At Midek Paint Direct, we love to help.  Here are some handy tips below to get the best out of your next paint project.

Painting Tips

Nothing is more discouraging when you’ve finished painting than to peel tape off the woodwork and discover the paint bled through. To avoid the pain-in-the-neck chore of scraping off the paint, do a thorough job of adhering the tape before you start. “Apply tape over the wood, then run a putty knife over the top to press down the tape for a good seal,”

It might seem easy to do all the corners and trim in a room, then go back to roll the walls, but don’t. Pros get a seamless look by cutting in one wall, then immediately rolling it before starting the next. This allows the brushed and the rolled paint to blend together better.

Cover your paint bucket, tray or container with a damp towel when switching between brushing and rolling to keep your paint and tools from drying out when not in use.

Whether you buy cheap or expensive roller covers, washing them before their first use gets rid of the fuzz that inevitably comes off once you start painting. Wash them with water and a little bit of liquid soap, and run your hands up and down the covers to pull off any loose fibers (a practice called “preconditioning covers”). You can start using the roller covers right away—you don’t need to let them dry.

Pros take a “load and go” approach to painting. They load the bottom 3-5cm of their brushes with paint, tap each side against the inside of their container to knock off the heavy drips, and then start painting. By contrast, homeowners often take a “load and dump” approach of dragging the loaded brush along the sides of their container and wiping off most of the paint. “It doesn’t do you any good to dunk your brush in paint, then immediately wipe it all off,”

If you have multiple cans of paint of the same color, combine them (known as boxing the paint). By taking a large bucket and mixing the gallons together, you’re ensuring a uniform color and consistency.

Use Primer. For better paint adhesion, priming is the way to go. Use the primer that is recommended for top coat and that is most suitable for the substrate.

Sanding is probably one of the most important prep steps because it creates adhesion. Before you sand, wash the surface. Power washing is also a very important part of the painting process. If the surface is clean of dirt and mildew, the paint will adhere properly.

How much paint will it take to cover your walls? The pros recommend 5l for every 25 square meters (when applying two coats). Covering textured, rough or unprimed surfaces may require more.

Dry days make good painting days. Moisture in the air keeps water-based paint from drying. Skip the humid afternoon paint project and slow drying walls won’t wreck the rest of your day.


Roof Tips

Cleaning fungus and mould

The fungal and mould growth is always more pronounced on the southern facing sections. An solution of chlorine (HTH) and water (250ml HTH to 5litres of water) scrubbed into the surface cleans this very effectively and economically. Once applied, leave for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse the roof thoroughly with clean water all the while scrubbing it with a stiff haired grass broom.

Roof painting tips from the pros

In summer, start early and stop at 11 o’ clock to avoid the midday sun. Only resume painting at 14H00 and carry on till late. Even with doing this the temperature of the roof surface may still be too hot and we recommend cooling the surface by spraying water on it. As soon as the water has started evaporating, resume painting. A good test is to touch the surface with the back of your hand. If it is uncomfortable for you, the paint won’t like it either!


In winter one needs to look out for “frost bite”. Most paints has a MFFT (minimum film formation temperature). Close to this (or below) this temperature will result in a complete paint failure. For this reason  o not start painting before 9 and keep to the sunny side of the roof. Also, stop applying paint at 15H30 as the paint needs at least 2 hours to cure sufficiently and the temperature drops quickly from 16H00 onwards.


On tiled roofs it is always a good idea to spend some time and ULTIMATE FIBERITE on the ridge capping before painting. This remarkable product binds any loose and/or broken filler between the ridge tiles making for a 100% sound and waterproof capping.

Waterproofing your Roof

Step 1: Clean the roof surface and leave to dry. Remove all dirt, grime and grease. Ensure any loose or flaking paint has been removed. Once the surface has been cleaned and dried move onto the next step.

Step 2: Apply a quote of Midek Roofseal or Fiberite to the roof surface over the area that needs to be waterproofed. Do not thin the Roofseal or Fiberite.

Step 3: Immediately place a waterproofing membrane into the wet coat of Midek Roofseal or Fiberite and apply another coat of roofseal or fiberite over the waterproofing membrane.

Step 4: The Roofsealer or Fiberite will take up to 48 hours to dry (weather permitting). When dry you will be able to paint over the area using our range of Midek roof paints.

*Remember when working at heights to always put your safety first.

Woodwork Tips

  1. Use a shavehook in conjunction with a heat gun or chemical stripper to remove old layers of paint. Use wire wool with a chemical stripper for detailed areas to avoid any damage.
  2. Once the old paint is removed, fill any cracks with an appropriate wood filler and sand down the wood to provide a key for painting
  3. Clean off any dust with a damp cloth.
  4. If required mask off areas where paint is not wanted.
  5. Use a brush or mini roller to apply gloss paint onto woodwork and this will provide a smooth and even finish.

Papered walls and ceilings

  1. Remove old wallpaper with a stripping knife and warm soapy water. Thicker wallpapers will require scoring to break the surface and allow water to penetrate. For best results soak the wallpaper, leave for 15 minutes and soak again.
  2. Work from the top down as the water will run down the wall soaking in as it goes. Use a stripping knife to remove the soaked wallpaper. 0nce the majority of paper is removed, allow the walls to dry before going over again with a stripping knife to remove any remaining backing paper.
  3. If using a steam stripper, work from the bottom up as this allows the steam to rise, loosening the paper at the top. Use a stripping knife to remove the paper when loose.